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Understanding SynPhNe™


Research has shown that people who are empowered heal better and live better lives. Our dream is to use effective technologies, modern brain science and ancient wisdom about the nature of mind to empower people worldwide in their quest for better health and fulfilled lives.


SynPhNe™ aims to return the first line of prevention and cure for chronic disability and disease to communities and families by 2030.



The Three Pillar model of sustainable health through empowerment is adapted from the model of sustainable development proposed by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam and Dr. S.P. Singh from India. The SynPhNe™ system has been designed to support all three pillars, namely


The SynPhNe™ device & You




Offering support and facility to connect with experts and preferred healthcare professionals using simple internet and telephone tools, using tools in the SynPhNe™ device.

Sharing and understanding the roadmap to recovery, health and well - being through targeted online education and social collaborative networks.


Fantasy Landscape
Hand Holding Branch

Understanding the buzz within..


SynPhNe™ (an abbreviation for Synergistic Physio Neuro platform) can serve as a complement for every medicine system in the world, while being antagonistic to none. It directs the attention to the individual, to make him or her aware of their own power to retain or regain their health, mobility and cognitive faculties using principles of neuroplasticity and self-regulation. SynPhNe™ gives people a platform to take charge of their own health right here and now, in real-time. That is really the ideal - conscious or unconscious - of every system of medicine.


SynPhNe™ works with the most fundamental and measurable signals that our bodies produce continuously, the electrical bio-signals in the muscles, heart and brain. These signals are a treasure trove of knowledge about our own health, resilience to stress, resistance to relaxation and chances of recovery from disability. Once upon a time, reading these signals was a complex issue but technology has now made it possible to read, understand and use these to augment recovery and healing. Data analytics is making this recovery journey shorter and even more powerful, going so far as to impact how children read, write and learn in classrooms.


Synergistic self-regulation of brain and body is the new, emerging language of human health, which everyone must learn and benefit from…..whether your child is facing his or her first challenges in primary school as a student, or you are coping with a sudden disability from stroke, or experiencing the first signs of dementia.

Physical Connectivity

The wearable SynPhNe™ device reads electrical activity in the brain, heart and musculature and makes us aware of changes occurring inside our bodies. These signals can be analyzed to understand, monitor and possibly predict pathways to ill-health, disease as well as recovery from disability and chronic disease.


Electronic Connectivity


Patients or care givers often need the advice of experts, physicians and their friends. Mobile phone connectivity allows us to nowadays reach people in remote locations cheaply and easily via messaging and data. The SynPhNe™ device is built around an IoT platform to allow you to share information and connect with knowledge and personalized insights into your recovery anytime, anywhere.


Knowledge Connectivity


Empowerment comes from following twin goals in life - Our own growth and the growth of others. This can be facilitated by a community which actively participates and helps each other by information sharing and knowledge creation. SynPhNe™ does this through its live and virtual events, social media initiatives, workshops and community engagement partners.

Senior couple hugging

© 2019 by SynPhNe™

Proudly created by elephant

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